Meet Rafida - the heart behind Bibi’s Kitchen
“My spices, Dahl, pakora mix and chutney is a gift of mine to everyone from my Heart.”
From a very young age I accompanied my father to the local markets to buy all our fresh produce for the family. His knowledge of fresh food instilled a passion in me for sourcing the freshest of ingredients to use in my cooking.
Bibi is my middle name, which was given to me by my beautiful grandma and I always experience her energy, and that of my parents, when I hand-blend the spices, dahl and pakora mixes. Their love, inspiration and wisdom are always around me.
To me cooking, eating and sharing have always been an important part of my life. I strongly believe in educating the community about the importance of using fresh, wholesome ingredients which is the key to good health, wellbeing and the nurturing of the soul. I began by providing cooking classes, which led me to hand-blend my own spices, dahl and pakora mixes to achieve the best flavours. I believe it is all about ‘flavour’ not ‘heat’ and this has been confirmed by my wonderful Stockists and their customers.
The vision for Bibi’s Kitchen is to share my spices, dahl and pakora mixes with you so you get to experience the love I infuse into the hand-blending process - and to make the mixes easy to use to help make your cooking an enjoyable experience rather than a task.
My deepest gratitude to everyone who continues to give me their support and who share the community spirit with me. Thank you.